TikTok Avatar

View the avatar of a TikTok account

Command Information

Command NameCommand IDCommand Category




Command Cooldown

Prefix Supported

Permission Gated



Send Messages

What does the command do?

The TikTok avatar command belongs within the utility module, this command utilizes the TikTok API to obtain the input parameters current static profile picture. This allows users to download, reuse & dig deeper into an accounts current status.

How to find the command?

Finding the tiktok-avatar command may be more complicated comapred to others due to many commands having the tiktok substring, though, simply enter a channel that Plankton has access to and begin your execution by typing a / (forward slash) to engage in the beginning of an interaction.

Type the first letters of the command such as /tiktok-av... a menu will be displayed, this menu will show the full command which you can use to interact with Plankton. Click that pop-up.

Once you have engaged with the beginning of a command interaction, it'll be brought into your text input, the display on your screen should look somewhat similar.

This command offers a required parameter, 'username', this is the TikTok account username of the desired user that can be found on the slug of a profile, after /@....

Click the input box and begin to enter a username, for this example we'll use planktonbot.

Once executed, the interaction has begun and the interaction has been acknowledged by Discord a listening event will be triggered.. Plankton is thinking.... The text menu will look somewhat similar.

Once the execution has occurred and Plankton has received it, it'll check for a valid username/account.

An error message may look like the one below, or somewhat similar.

This command supports error handling — More complex errors will provide a prompt resolution & in-depth response to what went wrong.

With success, the interaction will have been acknowledged by Discord & Plankton, an embed will be responded to the command interaction following information regarding your username input.

This embed shows user profile information of the user you've entered in the username parameter

Plankton — Command Documentation

Last updated